What To Expect

What to Expect in Worship

Expect a traditional, yet informal, worship experience. Except for August when our church is ‘closed’, services at Tottenham United Church are held each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome! The worship service is usually less than 1 hour in length and includes prayers, singing, and a sermon. Afterwards, we enjoy refreshments and friendly conversation.

Music is important to us. Words for the hymns are projected on screens. For most of the year, our choir leads us as we sing a variety of traditional church music. You may even see Rev. Dyanne clapping to and swaying with the music.

Christmas, Easter and other significant dates in the Christian calendar are marked with a variety of services. On Friday February 2, 2024, our faith community began offering Messy Church. On the first Friday of certain months of the year all ages are welcome to celebrate God through activities, a short worship and eating a meal together.

On the Sundays we celebrate Communion, all are welcome to participate.

What to Expect in Community

As a part of this community, you can be involved in a variety of ways, such as serving on leadership teams, volunteering at events, participating during worship, or joining a faith discussion group.  Your gifts are yours to share, and provide an opportunity for you to grow emotionally, spiritually and faithfully.