Our Choir – Tottenham
The Tottenham United Church Choir would like to invite anyone who enjoys singing to join us every Sunday before church at 10 a.m. (in the Spring we change to Thursday night at 7 p.m.) for choir practice.
Our choir presented a beautiful Choral Service on Dec. 14 and the members of Tottenham choir joined the Rich Hill choir to present the Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve at Rich Hill Church.
We sing anthems every Sunday and we sing special anthems on Palm Sunday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and the Joint Pastoral Charge Anniversary Service which will be at Tottenham in October.
We sing from a variety of music books such as Voices United Hymn Book, our Dutch Hymn Book, Easy Standard Anthems Book, More Voices United and special anthem books and sheet music. Our Choir Director and Organist and pianist is Janice Magloughlen. Sandy Rodgers fills in occasionally as alternate pianist.
Please contact Velma at [email protected] if you wish to join our choir!