COVID-19 Policy – March 22, 2022

The Official Board met on March 22, 2022 for their regular meeting and discussed the government’s lifting of masking requirements. It was decided that while wearing a mask is encouraged, it is now optional, as per the Ontario Government public health guidelines.

Masks and hand sanitizer will continue to be available at the doors.

As always, if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, or generally feel unwell, please stay home:

  • Fever/Chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Decreased or loss of smell or taste
  • Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Extreme Fatigue
  • Sore Throat
  • Muscle or Joint Pain
  • Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

If you have any questions or concerns, please direct them to Craig Laing, Chair.

The “first things” of our faith are this:

  1. The message of God’s unconditional love
  2. Inclusive welcome into community
  3. God’s complete acceptance of us just as we are
  4. God’s healing and trans-formative power and forgiving grace
  5. God’s affirmation that we are worth everything, and
  6. God holds the future for us.

With these principles in mind, our approach to re-opening includes these methods of keeping everyone safe:

Protection of our Community of Faith

  • If you are feeling ill, regardless of the illness, stay home and take care of yourself.
  • Consider getting vaccinated if you have not yet done so.
  • If you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, get tested or stay home for 10 days.  
  • Keep two meters apart from one another. One family per pew in the shorter pews with at least two pews in front/behind them, empty. Two families per pew in the larger pews with two meters between the families with at least two pews in front/behind them, empty.
  • Sanitize your hands regularly to keep yourself safe.
  • Sunday School will resume with COVID protocols in place.
  • For the time being, please, no handshaking, hugging, laying of hands or other forms of touch,  but do offer a smile, a peace sign or a wave in greeting.


Communion is celebrated on Thanksgiving Sunday, All Saints Day, First Sunday in Advent, First Sunday of Lent and Easter Sunday.  Please bring your own bread and juice for blessing. 


Offering plates will be at the rear of the church to receive your offerings.  Please consider donating on-line or providing a series of post-dated cheques to minimize the amount of material the counters must handle. Counters will wear gloves and disinfect the computer after entering data.

Building Safety

Touch surfaces will be sanitized regularly before and after worship.  Sanitizing products will be available throughout the building and you are asked to spray surfaces you touch if you are in the building other than Sunday Worship.

Committee/Group Meetings

It is recommended that all committees/church groups continue to meet online or in a space where physical distancing measures can be observed. The space must be cleaned thoroughly after each use.

Outside Groups

Outside groups using the church facilities must agree to Tottenham Rich Hill’s COVID-19 policies and procedures as prescribed by the Government of Ontario. Failure to adhere to this will result in the cancellation of the rental agreement.  

Minister and Pastoral Charge Secretary

The Minister and Secretary will resume their duties at the buildings. Typically, the Secretary works on Wednesdays. The Secretary and Minister will maintain proper physical distancing measures and will wipe down all touch surfaces throughout and at the end of their day. God’s love and grace, and our response to it guide our actions and encourage us to keep in mind the safety, protection and well-being of our family, friends and neighbours.  God holds our future and values our participation in it.  God’s acceptance of us, just as we are, even stressed, cranky or frightened, is helping us to adapt to new ways of celebrating God’s Presence among us.  Thanks be to God!